Request A Board!
Help a super family keep track of their medication plan with our Braedi Boards! Easy to customize and update, these erasable boards simplify even the most overwhelming schedule. Available with a male or female character.

When our daughter Braedi was diagnosed with high-risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on March 27, 2015, our family was forever changed. The shock of having a child with cancer, in addition to the giant task of learning a whole new medical language, strict schedules and various prescriptions was overwhelming to say the least.
During the two and a half years Braedi was in treatment, our family received so much kindness and guidance from both organizations and individuals. Now it’s our turn to offer you our support. It’s not going to be easy, but we hope we can make it just a little less stressful.
From our super family to yours, we wish you all the love and luck in the world. Let’s go kick cancer’s butt.
Help a super family keep track of their medication plan with our Braedi Boards! Easy to customize and update, these erasable boards simplify even the most overwhelming schedule. Available with a male or female character.
When a new family arrives at the hospital, their needs are the last thing on their mind. The Braedi + Beyond Bravery Bags contain the daily necessities that might otherwise fall through the cracks.
Even the strongest superheroes need a little guidance when things get tough. Both children and adults can find comfort and wisdom in these helpful resources.
If in Colorado please ask your social worker. If outside the state please have the hospital Social Worker contact Braedi + Beyond at
Yes, all Bravery bags will include a Medicine Board. You may also request a Medicine Board at anytime during your child’s treatment.
Detailed instructions are printed on the back of all boards. If you have any further questions please contact us.
Stickers are available at under the name Colorful Sparkle Stars (T-46405).
We are hoping to make them available to many hospitals, therefore they will be on hand for a families first night in the hospital after the child has been diagnosed.
Since we are a new non-profit just starting, donations are needed to purchase Bravery Bag items in addition to printing and mailing medicine boards. Contact the hospital social worker or us to the get bags delivered to you at the hospital. The Braedi + Beyond facebook page will post volunteer opportunities when available.
Yes! Simply, click on the PayPal donation button on top or bottom of our website, or visit our donation page.